Does Doing Cardio Make You Weaker and Fatter?

You may not know that one of my favorite pastimes is to read new research - as in actual studies not what some 17 years old TikTokking GooRoos typing frantically on their ergonomic split keyboard from their mom's basement post.

I also enjoy reading studies where they have subjects do both cardio and lift stuff.

Go on the internetZ long enough though and you will here things like:

Is that really true though that doing cardio makes you weaker and fatter?

To the research Batman!

This research (1) peered through the looking glass at the notorious interference effect of mixing endurance mania (aka cardio) with the brute force of resistance training (aka lifting serious weightZ).

The big question, you lunatic: Does juggling both torch your gainZ and leave you weaker with a horrible body comp?

Did the broken GooRoos get one right?

Hold on, here we go down the nerd chute.

The sinister "interference effect" rears its ugly head, with endurance drills possibly sabotaging the muscle bulk and might you'd normally wrangle from pure resistance warfare.

A great research review (1) provides us some gems.

In short, new recruits to lifting and cardio - fear not! Do both!

Initial skirmishes show you can double-dip in both training pools without worry- just don't piss in either pool.

As you evolve, each style begins to carve its own distinct enhancements—endurance sharpens your metabolic knives, while resistance bulks up your muscle arsenal. Greenhorns may see benefits from both the cardio camp and muscles R us.

Endurance can swell those muscles a tad in these groups, and resistance training via lifting weights might beef up your lung power.

However, for the seasoned warrior, it’s clear if you want to maximize your gainZ: specialization is key.
Choose your weapon wisely for each campaign phase. You can't ride two horses with one ass.

Here is a simple breakdown on how to get 'er done.

Process 1: Alternate daze

Lift stuff one day.

Do cardio / aerobic work the next.

Stoner simple, but it works like mad.

Process 2: AM Aerobic work

If you can do it, some easy to moderate aerobic work before the sun rises is epic, then lift some weightZ later in the day. Ideal timing here is 6 hours laster, but do what you can.

While the murky depths of this interference aren't fully charted. Individual battle scars and genetic warpaint may alter the outcomes.

Most insights are snagged from short to mid-length campaigns, not the epic sieges you nutbagZ enjoy. Cheers to you!

What’s the Takeaway, You Maniac?

If you’re gunning for peak muscle glory where even 0.5% matters, consider splitting your endurance hustles and strength showdowns, ideally six hours apart. This tactic is primo for seasoned troops chasing the pinnacle of gainZ and better body comp.

Side note- the idea that doing cardio will make you fat went out in the 60s.

In summary, for those of you who topple in a breeze or have the wind capacity of a sedated marsupial—get out there, lift heavy, and hit the cardio.

Do not let any idea of interference stop your violent consistency.

If you are more seasoned, alternate days or even push aerobic work to the AM if you are highly seasoned / want to maximize strength / hypertrophy.

The biggest mistake I see far and away is NOT doing any cardio. Do your cardio!

Much love and cardio,
Dr. Mike

PS- you spoke and I have listened- look for a brand new course entitled "Cardio for Meatheads" that I will be doing in early 2025. More details as they evolve.


1) Coffey, V. G., & Hawley, J. A. (2017). Concurrent exercise training: do opposites distract? The Journal of Physiology, 595(9), 2883-2896. _____________________

Mike T Nelson CISSN, CSCS, MSME, PhD
Associate Professor, Carrick Institute
Owner, Extreme Human Performance, LLC
Editorial Board Member, STRONG Fitness Mag

Mike T Nelson is a PhD and not a physician or registered dietitian. The contents of this email should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.


Dr Mike T Nelson

Creator of the Flex Diet Cert & Phys Flex Cert, CSCS, CISSN, Assoc Professor, kiteboarder, lifter of odd objects, metal music lover. >>>>Sign up to my daily FREE Fitness Insider newsletter below

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